Five reasons why people who like rain are happier. Are you one of them?

4 tahun yang lalu

We usually start the year with more rainfall. The wet weather can sometimes disturb our activities, especially if we have to be outdoor. But for rain lovers, who are called pluviophiles, rain gives them a feeling of happiness.

Research shows that they are happier people. How so?

1. They can feel their feelings better

Rain lovers usually have more sensitive senses. They can describe rain in much greater details, from the rhythm of the rain to how each rain drop changes the view outside the window.

They can also enjoy the fresh smell of rain and the sensation when the rain drops touch their skin. That’s why the pluviophiles love looking up to the sky with their hands wide open to welcome the cold drops from the clouds. 

2. They can enjoy life better

Rain is usually associated with a gloomy, cloudy and bad day, but not to the pluviophiles. They can enjoy life better and feel happier, even when the day is gloomy. Especially for the introverts, who will choose to spend time reading a great book or enjoying a movie marathon while being under the blanket, with a cup of hot coffee or tea. Very relaxing.

3. They can be tougher when life is difficult

The pluviophiles always remember that it takes some rain to make flowers grow and bloom beautifully. So when they have to face a difficult time, they think all problem shall pass. They even think that life challenges are actually necessary to get the best opportunities. Remember, the rain brings a beautiful rainbow.

The pluviophiles are also calmer and do not easily get panicked when dealing with problems. Their optimistic nature often makes them a great confidante when we need support or motivation to keep going.

4. They can see beauty within misery

How nice it is to breathe the clean smell of rain that makes the earth new and fresh again. The rain lovers can stay optimistic and take the bright side of the misery they experience. They like snuggling on the couch or bed while watching a sentimental movie.

So, although some of us may think rain is annoying, it can be seen as a blessing that gives us a new perspective over life.