OBH Combi Received Top Brand Award

4 tahun yang lalu

Adding up to the recognition it has gained over the years, OBH Combi acquired TOP Brand Award 2018 that is granted by Frontiers Consulting Group and Majalah Marketing. This Award is the second awards received by OBH Combi after Indonesia Prestige Award 2018 in January. Received on the 21st February 2018 by Ismoyo Pinto Cahnyo, Regional Territory Manager, this award reiterates OBH Combi's existence as a prestigious, trusted cough medicine.


The parameter used to measure the power a brand has over this award is known as Top Brand Index (TBI), which comprises of: Mind Share, Market Share and Commitment Share. Through direct interview method to 12.000 respondents in 15 cities, OBH Combi successfully score 22.4%, a figure that is relatively high. This shows that OBH Combi has a strong presence in its consumers mind, has a good sales record and have obtained loyalty from its consumers. 


This glory will not stop here. The awards received will be a reference for OBH Combi to always be present in the community as a partner to fight the obstacles and continue to drive through the boundary.